Thursday, August 02, 2007

Settling into Lexington

Frank and I are slowly getting settled in to Lexington. The movers unloaded our stuff on Monday, and we've been unpacking since then (Frank only at night because he works during the day). The only room we have completely finished unpacking is the kitchen. We're getting closer on the other rooms, but we have a lot of crap.

Since we arrived in Lexington late on Sunday night, we've been to WalMart three times to pick up various supplies. We were advised that we'll have to do most of our "big" shopping about an hour away in Roanoke. This weekend, there is a reprieve on sales tax on clothing and school supplies. To start playing the part of professor, I'll buy some professorial apparel, like tweed jackets with arm patches.

On Monday, the cable guy set up our cable. While he was here, our pizza arrived. The cable guy and the pizza delivery guy knew each other. The cable guy advised us to be careful what we say about other people because the town is small and every one knows everyone else.

Our bathroom is really narrow. I bonked my head yesterday on the towel rod. I couldn't see the bump, but after I whined about it for the umpteenth time, Frank looked and saw that I had a bump and a bruise. When I hurt, I like having a bruise or some proof.

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