Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Jonathan Coulton

I'm on a Jonathan Coulton kick. I may have to purchase some music.

This one goes out to my sister and others blessed with a healthy butt. Technically, I don't think this is a cover, but I'll have to ask Dad.


Anonymous said...

So did you also hear about Jonathan Coulton on NPR, or is it just a wacky coincidence that we discovered him on the same weekend?

I just downloaded all his MP3s. The ones that say "listen" but not "free" are kind of crappy quality. Recommended: Ikea and Re Your Brains.


SS said...

Pshaw. Like I listen to NPR.

My buddy Mike sent me the Code Monkey Dance clip. He heard about it on a SIGCSE mailing list. Someone from there probably heard about him on NPR.