Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Picture Poll

I need to provide a picture for the CRA-W newsletter. Frank and I did a photo session today. Here are the options.

I also have the options rotating in an example Web page.

I'm just guessing that the picture in the newsletter will be closer to the size that's rotating than the size on the page with all the pictures.

Let me know which one you like best.


Anonymous said...

#2. Crawpictures huh? Does that make your father a crawdad?

Anonymous said...

#5. But they're all good.

Kristina Killgrove said...

Patrick and I had a discussion about this, but we disagree. I have to go with #3. You look hella cute in it! Props to Frank too for the pix.

Jenn said...

i would have gone with 2 or 4.