Friday, June 08, 2007

Vanity Plate

When I move to VA and get a new license plate, if it's not already taken, I'm going to get



Anonymous said...

Sadly, Virginia allows only seven characters on its plates. On some decorative plates (yes, Virginia, there's a W&L plate), it's only six characters.

Here is the plate lookup page. I especially like the Internet C@pital plate style. SPRENKX.COM is available both as a plate and as a domain registration. Act now!

SS said...

I guess I could get rid of the Y, but I don't think it quite makes sense...

Kristina Killgrove said...

Sure, get rid of the Y and draw a little blue line over the A to make it clear it's a long vowel. Voila, a vanity plate with a nerdy linguistic twist!