Monday, September 18, 2006

Job Search

It's September, and already, I need to start my job application for a job that won't start until August 2007. Typically, I thought applications weren't reviewed until January, but Gettysburg College posted that they would begin reviewing applications immediately. And, that was two weeks ago. Well, at least, all I need to do is finish my dissertation. And start my dissertation. And be a teaching assistant for two classes.

As part of preparing my application, I've been working on improving my web presence to look a little more respectable. I think I need a nice photo for my front page, but I haven't had a good picture in awhile. Frank and I played photographer/model over the weekend to try to get some decent shots to choose from. I got bored/grumpy pretty quickly. Frank pleaded, "Don't be that kind of model."

Here are my choices.

That's enough for now. I need to eat a lettuce leaf. (Definitely not spinach.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I'd pick #2 or #3 (as much as I like the Party Sombrero). If you want to look older, I suppose a glasses picture would work.